ClockDJ - Assembly language clock, mouse, screen and window program.
Version - 4.12
Copyright - Copyright (c) by David Jenkins, 21st February 1990,
I can be reached at Bloom Beacon 416-283-5924,
and CRS 416-629-0136.
This program is copyright but may be distributed freely. Please keep the
documentation with the load module.
Version 4.12
Snap 1.4 will insert a ">" in the data stream when the
LeftAmiga LeftShift and left mouse button are pressed. I have,therefore,
removed the code to this in ClockDJ V4.12.
Version 4.11
A couple of bugs have been cleaned up in this release.
Version 4.10
1. The key reading and parsing routines were re-vamped in
V4.09 with the result that any extra characters (including blanks)
at the end of a macro definition would cause the *next* definition
to be invalid.
Version 4.10 corrects this.
This means that any characters following a macro definition will
be treated as a comment. Also any line that begins with an asterisk (*)
will be treated as a comment.
2. The ARexx macro which calls the Arp file requester (FILEREQUESTER)
had a bug which returned a directory when no directory or file
were selected. This is fixed.
3. There are five new ARexx commands: SETARPDIR, SETARPFILE,
will set the initial directory string in the Arp file requester
to dirname.
will set the initial file string in the Arp file requester
to filename.
will set the title in the Arp file requester.
will set the colour of the Arp file requester. The number can
be 1 or 2.
will put a requester displaying the text on the top screen with
a YES/NO choice. The selection is passed back in RESULT as YES or NO.
Version 4.09
There are a number of improvements in this version:
1. The Pop to Front menu item now has a sub-item called "Cling". If
you select this, a message will appear asking you to click in a
window. When you do, the clock will attach itself to the selected
window; the clock menu will also become a part of this window.
Note that only windows with no existing menus or UserPort
are eligible to be selected. In practise this confines you to CLI
windows. Once the clock is attached to a window, the "Cling" menu
item is highlighted; re-selecting "Cling" will move the clock to
its own window on the Workbench screen. If you close a window
the clock is attached to, it will re-open itself on the Workbench
If "Save" is selected when the clock is attached to a window,
the window title will be saved in the clockdj.config file. When
the clock is started, it will look for a window with this title and
attach itself to the window.
2. The macro definitions will allow &arf1 and &arf2 to be defined
as symbolic variables anywhere in the string fields of a macro.
This will cause the Arp file requester to be called when the
macro is invoked; the selected file name (and path) will be
substituted for the variable. Any number of &arf1 (or &arf2)
variables can be included in the string. The variable can be
specified in either command or string macros (command macros
have a "c" at the end, string macros have an "s" at the end).
For example:
\ral\t\type &arf2\r\c
When RightAlt + t are pressed, submit a "type filename" command
where "filename" is selected from the Arp file requester.
\ral\d\delete &arf2\r\c
When RightAlt + d are pressed, Submit a "delete filename" command
where "filename" is selected from the Arp file requester
\ral\c\copy &arf2 &arf1 all\r\c
When RightAlt + c are pressed, submit a "copy file1 file2 all" command
where file1 and file2 are selected from the Arp file requester.
\ral\l\list &arf2\r\s
When RightAlt + l are pressed, submit a "list filename" string
where filename are selected from the Arp file requester.
3. The cut and paste utility "Snap" will not insert a ">" to indicate
a quote (useful when replying to someone's message on a bulletin
board). If when pasting from Snap you hold down the LeftShift key
in addition to the LeftAmiga and Right Mouse button, you will get
">" at the start of each line.
4. The file reading routines for clockdj.config and clockdj.keys
have been made faster.
5. The clock may now be started from Workbench with an icon.
Bugs fixed:
1. The documentation states that "kpe" is used to represent the
Keypad Enter key. This now works as documented.
2. An error in the key definition file could cause a guru on initial
startup. This is fixed.
Version 4.08
This version removes an incompatibility with Word Perfect which
could occasionally lock up the machine.
Version 4.07
1. When flipping screens, the window under the pointer becomes
active irrespective of the Sun Mouse or Key Activate settings.
2. A bug in the mouse button routine has been fixed.
Version 4.06
The clock window can now be popped to the next screen
immediately by holding down the left shift key while clicking the
left mouse button in the clock window.
The key re-mapping routines have been re-written; the delay
parameter used when submitting a string should not now be needed (although
it is still valid to specify it).
The arc file contains 'WTFPATCH3', an improved version of the
WindowToFront patch. Include 'WTFPatch3' in your start-up sequence,
but make sure you remove the old version of the patch (WTFPatch) first.
'WTFPatch3' corrects an Intuition bug in WindoToFront and
WindowToBack. To use it, simply put the 'WTFPatch3' program in your
c: directory and include 'WTFPatch3' in your startup sequence.
Previous versions of the clock had timing code designed to get
around the Intuition bug. The patch is more effective and should
eliminate machine lockups caused by WindowToFront. Since the timing
code has been removed from V3.05 and above, you must run 'WTFPatch3' with this
version of the clock.
Program Description
This utility combines a clock, mouse accelerator, screen blanker,
window manipulator, function keys and macros.
The display is a small borderless window which shows the
total memory left in the system (chip and fast) and the time in
12 hour format. The window pops to the front of the workbench
screen once every minute.
You can start the program with a 'Run ClockDJ', 'Runback ClockDJ',
or by clicking on a Workbench icon.
(Do NOT use Workbench 1.3 'run >nil:' or the ARP Arun NOIO commands.
Only the RunBack in the zoo file or a RunBack to the NUL: device
will work correctly in this situation).
Using 'Runback' is useful if you want to close ALL CLI windows. If you start
the clock with 'Runback', the output which is directed to the default CLI
will not be seen. This is not usually a problem since this output is typically
of the '[CLI 3]' variety.
If you use 'Runback' or the Workbench to start the program,
command macros (those ending with a '\c') MUST specify output and
input redirection to nil:. Eg.:
\lal\b\run <nil: >nil: blitz\r\c
If you do not do this the MACHINE WILL GURU.
If you want to start the clock with a 'run' so that the output from macros
to the default CLI is preserved, but the startup CLI is to be closed,
do something like this:
newcli "con:0/0/580/200/AmigaDOS " from df0:command.file
endcli > nil:
"commands.file" is a file located on df0: containing the following:
run clockdj
Starting the clock in this way preserves the file handle of the CLI
which launched the clock and passes it to programs started by the macros.
Start-up parameters (CLI start-up only)
"r" specified as the first parameter will reverse the action of the
mouse buttons for the features that require both to be depressed.
The default is "n", for normal operation.
The "Newcli" entry in the menu may now be changed by specifying a second
parameter when starting the clock. Eg.:
run clockdj n NewWsh con:0/0/640/150/Myname
Note that if the second parameter is specified, the first parameter must
also be specified.
Snap enhancement
The cut and paste utility "Snap" will not insert a ">" to indicate
a quote (useful when replying to someone's message on a bulletin
board). If when pasting from Snap you hold down the LeftShift key
in addition to the LeftAmiga and Right Mouse button, you will get
">" at the start of each line.
Arp File requester
The Arp file requester can be called from a macro either alone or
as a symbolic variable within the command string. For this to
work you must have V 34 of Arp.Library in your libs: directory.
To call the requester on its own, include a macro that looks like this:
where x is either 1 or 2. The numbers change the colour scheme
of the requester,
This will open the requester on the top screen when you press the
Left-alt and ` (top left of the keyboard) together. Obviously you
can make the key combination anything you want.
When you have selected a file from the requester, the next left mouse
button click will cause the selected file (including disk and dir)
to be entered into the window where you click. The character delay
(2 in the above example) will be observed.
There are a couple of ways to modify the string that is generated:
Holding down Left Shift when you click will insert a right Amiga x
at the start of the characters; this is useful for clearing existing
data out of a string gadget.
Holding down CTRL will submit the directory for the first mouse click
and the file for the second. This is useful for filling in strings
where the directory and file are in separate gadgets (in Dpaint, for
Holding down CTRL+Left Shift when you click will submit the directory
and file names separately and precede each with a Right Amiga x.
To include the requester as a variable in a command:
The macro definitions will allow &arf1 and &arf2 to be defined
as symbolic variables anywhere in the string fields of a macro.
This will cause the Arp file requester to be called when the
macro is invoked; the selected file name (and path) will be
substituted for the variable. Any number of &arf1 (or &arf2)
variables can be included in the string. The variable can be
specified in either command or string macros (command macros
have a "c" at the end, string macros have an "s" at the end).
For example:
\ral\t\type &arf2\r\c
When RightAlt + t are pressed, submit a "type filename" command
where "filename" is selected from the Arp file requester.
\ral\d\delete &arf2\r\c
When RightAlt + d are pressed, Submit a "delete filename" command
where "filename" is selected from the Arp file requester
\ral\c\copy &arf2 &arf1 all\r\c
When RightAlt + c are pressed, submit a "copy file1 file2 all" command
where file1 and file2 are selected from the Arp file requester.
\ral\l\list &arf2\r\s
When RightAlt + l are pressed, submit a "list filename" string
where filename are selected from the Arp file requester.
Window manipulation
The following can be selected from the menu or by clicking the correct
combination of mouse buttons:
1. Screen blanking after a pre-defined period of inactivity.
2. Pointer blanking after a pre-defined period of inactivity.
3. Mouse accelerator.
4. Sun mouse.
5. Click the window to front with the left mouse button.
6. Click the window to back by pressing the left mouse button followed by the
right mouse button, with the left button still down.
7. Cycling through screens by pressing the right mouse button followed by the
left mouse button with the right button still down.
8. Left-Amiga-m will shuffle screens if "Screen Cycle" is selected.
The button sequences for 6. and 7. can be reversed by specifying the
parameter "r" when starting the clock: eg:
run clockdj r
All the above can be selected my menus and saved in the configuration
Hide Window
The program will allow the user to select a window and remove it
from the screen while leaving the task that started it unaffected.
To do this, point at the window you want to remove, hold the
LeftShift+LeftAmiga+Control keys down and press the left mouse button;
the window should disappear. To bring the window back hold
LeftShift+LeftAmiga+Control keys and press the right mouse button.
Up to 60 windows can be hidden in this way. When retrieving windows
the last one removed is brought back first. A separate list of hidden windows
is maintained for each screen, so only the windows for the active screen are
I put this feature in because my workbench screen is often cluttered
with small windows opened by tasks like VirusX. These windows serve no useful
purpose and I decided I would like a means of removing them.
1. CLI windows cannot be removed. Doing so confuses things and ends in a guru,
so the CLI windows are ignored when selecting a window to hide.
2. Some programs look at their window size; FileInjector does this. If the
small FileInjector window is hidden and the hot key sequence is used, the
resulting window is smaller than it should be. The solution is one of: don't
hide this type of window; retrieve the window before the hot key; retrieve
the window after the hot key. The last option would require a window refresh
too (move the window).
3. You should use this feature with caution. Some programs don't expect
to have other tasks interfere with their windows and gurus can occur.
Generally, if the window holds only text then there will not be a problem.
Changing the window size of the clock display
The size of the clock window can be changed by hitting:
LeftShift+LeftAmiga+CTRL+up arrow or down arrow. This will allow the
characters of larger fonts to be displayed correctly.
The size will be saved in the config file when "Save" is selected
from the menu.
Moving the clock window to another screen
The clock window can be popped to the next screen
immediately by holding down the left shift key while clicking the
left mouse button in the clock window.
This feature works whatever is selected in the Pop to Front
menu item.
Menu options
Gives you a new CLI window at the bottom of the screen.
This option gives chip and fast memory displays separately. When selected
the menu toggles to "Total Memory" to enable you to get back to a total
memory display.
Allows you to select the colour of the clock display.
The default priority of the clock is 2 which seems to work OK in most
circumstances. Setting it to 0 makes it the same priority as other
tasks started from CLI. Making it negative gives it a lower priority
than other CLI tasks. This option gives you a choice of running the clock
from -3 to +4. I found the negative values useful while running a Basic
drawing program: anything above -1 made the drawing process
This is the maximum rate at which the program will update the display.
The default is 5 times per second and the options allow from 10 times
to once per second. I only do an PrintIText if something has changed,
so even 10 times per second does not use much CPU - you can
use pm to see how much.
Blank Screen
The screen will blank after the specified time (in minutes) if there is no
keyboard or mouse activity.
Blank Pointer
The mouse pointer will blank after the specified time (in seconds) if there is
no mouse activity.
When the Snooze Off entry is checkmarked the pointer will not blank if it is
a snooze pointer. This can avoid having to move the mouse to
see if an operation is complete when the pointer has been blanked.
Mouse Speed
Accelerates the mouse pointer. 1 is no acceleration.
Click to front
Clicking the left mouse button in a window the specified number of
times will bring it to the front.
Click to front now gives you the option of keeping or discarding
the last of the left mouse button clicks which brings the window to front.
There is a 'Discard' sub-menu item under 'Click to Front'.
If 'Discard' is checked the last mouse click is discarded.
The difference this option makes is mainly seen when the last
mouse click is on an icon or other field you wish to select. To find
out which to use, experiment.
Click to back
Click the window to back by pressing the left mouse button followed by the
right mouse button the specified number of times.
Note that this sequence can be reversed by specifying "r" as a start-up
Sun Mouse
Activates the window the pointer is above without having to click the left
mouse button.
Screen Cycle
Cycling through screens by pressing the right mouse button followed by
the left mouse button with the right button still down.
Note that this sequence can be reversed by specifying "r" as a
start-up parameter
The screen cycle can also be triggered by hitting Left-Amiga-m.
Key Activate
If this feature is used, the window under the pointer will be activated
when a key is depressed.
Pop to Front
Selecting this item causes the clock to pop to the front of the
current screen if 'Windows' is selected, or to the top screen if
'Screens' is selected.
The Pop to Front menu item has a sub-item called "Cling". If
you select this a message will appear asking you to click in a
window. When you do, the clock will attach itself to the selected
window; the clock menu will also become a part of this window.
Note that only windows with no existing menus or UserPort
are eligible to be selected. In practise this confines you to CLI
windows. Once the clock is attached to a window, the "Cling" menu
item is highlighted; re-selecting "Cling" will move the clock to
its own window on the Workbench screen. If you close a window
the clock is attached to, it will re-open itself on the Workbench
If "Save" is selected when the clock is attached to a window,
the window title will be saved in the clockdj.config file. When
the clock is started, it will look for a window with this title and
attach itself to the window.
Map Keys
When checked, the key mapping and macro functions are active.
Load Keys
Loads in a new set of key and macro definitions.
If you select "Save", all the current settings, including the window
position, will be written to a file called "clockdj.config" in the
root directory of sys:. You should be careful to ensure that sys: is
assigned to the correct disk so that the file can be read when the clock
is next started.
The next time clockdj starts it will attempt to read this file and set
up the clock and associated parameters exactly as they were when you
selected "Save".
You should select this option when you are happy with the way the clock
looks, and then make sure you have the disk with the clockdj program
on it assigned to sys:.
Ends the program.
Macros and redefining the keys
ClockDJ will allow you re-map the keyboard, substitute a string
of characters for a single key depression, or execute a command when
a particular key sequence is pressed. The key definitions and macros
must be created by you and saved in a file; the default file read when
the program starts is sys:clockdj.keys. The key definitions can be changed
by selecting Load Keys from the menu.
Pressing CTRL-` (the "ctrl" key and the "`" key) is an escape for
the next key/mouse sequence entered. This will prevent translation or
macro generation on the next key/mouse sequence.
NB. 'Map Keys' must be selected from the menu to activate the macro
The statement format is:
| | | | k c |
| | | | | | |_The delay between each character in 10ms increments.
| | | | | |
| | | | | |_ s = string; c = command
| | | | |
| | | | |_ r = replace character with the string or command
| | | | k = generate string or command, but keep the original
| | | | character.
| | | |
| | | |_ String to be generated, or command to be executed.
| | |
| | |_ Character to be re-mapped.
| |
| |_ List of qualifiers (see below), separated by commas.
|_ Delimiter.
NOTE: Any line that begins with an asterisk (*) will be treated as a comment.
A "\" is the character used to delimit fields. If you wish to include
one in the string, precede it with a "^".
This defines which keys must be pressed with the re-map character
to generate the string or command. eg., you may want the qualifiers to be
left shift and right alt. If no qualifiers are needed to trigger the re-map,
the statement would start with a "\\".
Multiple qualifiers are specified by separating them by commas: eg.,
The valid qualifiers are: (all in lower case)
lsh Left shift.
rsh Right shift.
clo Caps lock.
ctl Control (CTRL).
lal Left alt.
ral Right alt.
lam Left Amiga.
ram Right Amiga.
The above qualifiers must be specified in lower case.
Character to be re-mapped.
This field is either a single character - "w", for example - or
a string of characters which represents a single character.
If a single character is specified it must be in lower case; if you want
the upper case character re-mapped you must use two statements with
"lsh" and "rsh" qualifiers. This also applies to keys like "{", "!"
etc. whose lower and upper case representations are different.
Valid strings are: (in lower case)
f01 The function keys.
f02 |
f03 |
f04 |
f05 |
f06 |
f07 |
f08 |
f09 |
f10 V
hel Help key.
esc Escape key.
tab Tab key.
bsp Backspace key.
ret Return key.
del Delete key.
upa Up arrow.
lea Left arrow.
doa Down arrow.
ria Right arrow.
kp0 Key pad 0.
kp1 Key pad 1.
kp2 Key pad 2.
kp3 Key pad 3.
kp4 Key pad 4.
kp5 Key pad 5.
kp6 Key pad 6.
kp7 Key pad 7.
kp8 Key pad 8.
kp9 Key pad 9.
kp. Key pad ..
kp- Key pad -.
kpe Key pad enter.
kp) Key pad ).
kp( Key pad (.
kp/ Key pad /.
kp+ Key pad +.
arf1 Arp file requester. Colour 1. If specified alone, the selection
arf2 Ditto, Colour 2 will be injected into the window
at the next Left Mouse Button click.
If specified with other characters,
will act as a symbolic variable; the
selection will replace the variable
in the command/string.
The above keys must be specified in lower case.
The string of characters which will replace the character to
be re-mapped.
Special keys (del, bsp, for example) may be inserted into the string.
They are specified by preceding the key name with a "&". For example,
"&del" would be delete, "&ret" would be return, etc. Any key listed above
in the "Character to be re-mapped" section can be specified in this way (still
in lower case).
Previous versions of the program allowed a limited set of control characters
in the string by using the "^". This will still work. The characters
which can be defined in this way are:
^[ Escape.
^h Backspace.
^i Tab.
^m Return.
The "^" and "\" can be included in the string by preceding them
with a "^".
A character in a macro string may include a qualifier.
Any of the qualifiers listed above under "Qualifiers" are valid.
The qualifier is preceded by a "%" and multiple qualifiers are
separated by commas. Eg.,
(in lower case) would specify LeftAlt+CTRL+a.
Multiple qualifiers should be separated by commas. This can be useful
for entering data in a string gadget (a file requester, for example).
The file name you want in the requester may be "myfile"; specifying
"%ramxmyfile" in the string would clear the gadget before filling it
with "myfile".
The string should appear in the active window.
Each statement can be up to 1000 characters long.
An "r" causes the re-mapped character to be replaced with the
string or command. A "k" will keep the re-mapped character.
This must be specified in lower case.
An "s" will submit the string into the input stream: it should
appear in the active window.
A "c" will execute the string as a command. A "^m" (CR) or "&ret" at the end
of the command is not needed. The command will be launched from the clock
task AT THE SAME PRIORITY AS THE CLOCK; the default clock priority is 2.
Some programs do not run well at priority 2 - eg Txed, Excellence, Blitz -
since they use input handlers running at priority 0. To avoid this kind of
problem either run the clock at priority 0 or use the ARP Arun command and
set the priority of the new task to 0.
This must be specified in lower case.
* NOTE *
Version 4.06 and above contain improvements which, as far as I know,
eliminate the need to specify a delay. It is still supported, however.
The delay value will delay each character by the value*15 milliseconds. Eg.,
a value of 5 specifies 75 ms.
The delay field can be between 0 and 9.
If the delay is omitted, a delay of 0 is assumed.
\\f01\run >nil: <nil: ed\r\c
Will run ed . Notice that no qualifier was specified
for the function key F1. The redirection to nil: is to prevent unwanted
messages in the console window.
\ctl,lsh\f01\dir df0:\r\c
When CTRL, left shift and F1 are depressed a dir df0: will execute and the
result will appear in the window belonging to the cli which started ClockDJ.
This would work only if ClockDJ has NOT been started with 'RunBack'.
\lal\t\run >nil: <nil: Terminals:gt/gt\r\c
Run GT when left-alt t is depressed.
\lal\esc\newcli <nil: >nil:\r\c
Start a new cli when Left-alt esc is depressed.
\lal\n\David Jenkins\r\s\5
Submit the string when left-alt n is depressed and insert a 50 ms delay
between each character.
\lal\m\Inter-Office Correspondence&ret&retFrom: David Jenkins&ret&retTo:&ret&retSubject:&ret&ret______________________________________________________________________________&ret&ret\r\s\5
Submit the string when left-alt m is depressed and insert a 50 ms delay
between each character..
Convert Caps lock "`" and "1" to "~" and "!".
Is useful for putting a string into a requester. The "%ramx" will submit a
Right Amiga-x which will clear the string gadget before submitting the
"file1" string.
AREXX Macros
ClockDJ versions 4.00 and above contain an ARexx port. The clock
is an ARexx host and will accept commands from an ARexx program; the
commands are listed below. If a result is expected it will be returned
in the special ARexx variable 'result'; any commands which return a
result should have a 'options results' statement in the program.
Title of ClockDJ
The clock window has a title of 'ClockDJ' (case sensitive);
you can use this title in some of the ARexx macros. For an example of this
take a look at Move.Rexx and Move2.Rexx.
Host Name
The host name of ClockDJ is CLOCKDJ (in capitals).
Errors are reported by setting a return code (the RC variable).
A return code of 20 is set for an unrecognized command.
A return code of 10 is set for an invalid parameter (an invalid window
address, for example).
NOTE: when executing commands which manipulate windows (like MOVE), be
careful not to submit too many requests for the same window without a
pause between the requests. Intuition gets upset if it receives a
request for a window before it has acted on the previous request; the
ARexx function 'delay' (in rexxsupport.library) can be used to
accomplish this: eg., 'call delay 5'.
Activate the window with this address. The window may be on any screen.
Change the colour of the clock display to nn (0-11). Note: nn
corresponds to a colour item menu selection
Change the clock to display chip/fast memory.
DELAY value
Specify an inter-character delay value in microseconds for injected data.
The delay value remains in effect for all injected data; if you want to
reset it to zero, submit a 'delay 0' command.
Call the Arp file requester. The full pathname of the selected file will
be returned in 'result'. If 'cancel' is selected on the Arp file
requester, a null string will be returned in 'result'.
will set the initial directory string in the Arp file requester
to dirname.
will set the initial file string in the Arp file requester
to filename.
will set the title in the Arp file requester.
will set the colour of the Arp file requester. The number can
be 1 or 2.
will put a requester displaying the text on the top screen with
a YES/NO choice. The selection is passed back in RESULT as YES or NO.
Gets the active window address and returns it in 'result'.
Get the address of the next window on a screen. The parameter is an
address of a window.
Get the address of the window under the pointer. The address is returned
in 'result'.
Get the screen address from the title. Note that the title is case
sensitive. The address is returned in 'result'.
Get a screen title from a screen address. The title is returned in
Get the address of the top screen. The address is returned in 'result'.
Get the address of the window with this title. The address is returned
in 'result'. Note that 'title' is case sensitive; make sure you specify
the exact title. The window can be on any screen.
Hide the window with the specified address.
Injects data into the window where you click the left mouse button. A
small window will appear on the top screen asking you to click where you
want the data injected. The data to be injected is specified by the
second operand. If you precede the data by a hex '01' ('01'x in ARexx),
a Right Amiga+x will be inserted to clear a string requester).
Injects data into the active window. The data to be injected is specified
by the second operand.
INJECT address data
Injects data into the window with the the address specified in the first
operand. The data is specified by the second operand.
LOADKEYS filename
Load new key definitions from the specified file name.
MOVEWINDOW address x-position y-position
Move a window to a new position. The first parameter is a window
address, the second is the X position and the third is the Y position.
If you attempt to move a window outside a screen's limits a return code of
10 will be set.
Set the popup status of the clock.
Set a key qualifier for injected data. The qualifier is 2 hex bytes and
the values are explained below. This feature is useful if you want to
inject, for example, a Right Amiga+Right Shift+Return. The qualifier
remains set for all injected data, so you must reset it. A normal key
depression has a qualifier of '8000'x (relative mouse).
NOTE: this is only effective for data injected with INJECT ACTIVE or
INJECT address. It will not work with INJECT CLICK.
IEQUALIFIER_RELATIVEMOUSE EQU $8000 Reset to this value.
NB. OR the bits together to set a qualifier: eg: '8022'x is Right shift+
Right alt+Relative mouse. You should always include the relative mouse
Retrieve the hidden window with this address.
Push the top screen to the bottom.
Get the address of the screen which contains this window. The parameter
is a window address. The address is returned in 'result'.